Mother Of Four Is Stunned By Boss’ Amazing ‘Holiday Miracle’


Ashley Henslee is a mother of four doing everything she can to scrape by. She brings her 2-month-old to work with her at a store in Kansas City. The holidays for most are a time of cheer, but for Ashley, working in an area where she sees people spending the season with their families had made her a little bitter. Without the funds, she couldn’t celebrate Thanksgiving or visit her eldest son who lives miles away.

“I was thinking nothing; no turkey, not going to get to see my son, absolutely bleak Christmas and Thanksgiving was ahead,” Ashley said.

Her boss noticed the mom was struggling and on his last day of work, he handed her an envelope with a letter. The envelope was filled with cash, the letter with encouraging words. Ashley was stunned. I haven’t seen such a touching surprise since Angel’s on Undercover Boss.

“Things like this don’t really happen to people like me that come from where they’ve come from,” she said. “It’s like ‘Bam!’ Total game changer for the world, changed my perspective. I didn’t think there was kindness anymore to be quite honest.”

Her boss insisted it was no big deal, but for the mom, it was everything. She fixed her car, drove to pick up her son and got to take him to the local Christmas tree lighting. It was so simple, but so important.

“He gets to go to school and tell all his friends, ‘Mommy got to take me to see Santa. Mommy got to take me to the Dinosaur restaurant.’ That’s what feels good as a mom, and it touched me. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity,” she said.

What’s a small gesture to you might mean the world to someone else, so remember that this holiday season! Please SHARE this kind act to spread the holiday spirit!



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