During the June 23 taping of America’s Got Talent, a young dancing duo stole the show with their smooth moves. Nine-year-old Cameron and 12-year-old Zach, who call their act The Gentlemen, were pretty personable from the start, but the judges weren’t sure if they could take the youngsters seriously.
But when the music started, the brothers combined hip-hop, breakdancing, and popping into one amazing act. And, as soon as everyone thought their routine was ending, it got even better!
Their unison is not very crisp, but they’re cute and got the attention of all four judges. Despite not getting the coveted “Golden Buzzer,” which later went to an 11-year-old opera singer, the judges were still pretty impressed by the boys’ moves.
“Oh my gosh! You’re dancing like that so young with so much rhythm and isolation in your bodies. I loved it. You’ve got personality that come through,” said Mel B.
“Great job. I love the expressions on the face. You guys dance better than adults that we have on the stage here,” said Klum.
The Gentlemen received four yeses from the judges and they are moving to the next round of the competition. Watch their performance below.
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