Dog Won’t Fetch But His Favorite Little Human Still Loves Him


Playing fetch is a great way to have fun with your dog and typically plays fetch naturally. We’ve all seen dogs and even cats get caught in an endless games of fetch, but sometimes our pups can be a little stubborn — like the dog in this next video.

In this funny clip, the pampered pooch is sitting on the couch when the little boy decides he wants to play fetch. The boy throws the ball across the room and points to his dog to go after it. The dog looks at him strangely and doesn’t move off the couch. The hilarious standoff leaves the boy slightly confused.

He walks up to the dog and appears to say “fetch.”  When he realizes the dog isn’t in the mood for fun and games, the little boy just gives his dog a giant hug! How sweet is that?!

Kids can be so lucky to grow up with caring canines — just take a look at this Lab who taught a baby to crawl or this big dog who plays hide and seek with his favorite human pal. This boy and his dog are the best friends ever.

Has your dog ever acted like this? Tell us your funny stories in the comments section below.

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