Dog Makes The Most Charming Face When Told He Can’t Get On The Couch


This video is sure to bring a big smile to your face so make sure you watch all the way to the end. The dog in this video is being scolded for getting up on the couch when his owner does not want him to. When he is being fussed at, he tucks his little tail and tries to sit down and look as cute as possible. When you see his big smile, your heart will melt and I bet you would let him on the couch!

What a sweet and charming boy he is! He is absolutely adorable as he tries to change his owner’s mind so she will let him lay on the couch. As he smiles and shows his big toothy grin, he is so adorable, who could say no to him! This sweet dog is so funny and sweet and this video will surely make your day. Watch it and Please SHARE on Facebook.



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