Here’s a video that proves you’re really never too old to rock out!
They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but from the looks of it, the little old dog in this next clip has taught himself to do something pretty awesome.
It’s no secret that music is good for the soul. This little boy with autism is the perfect example of how powerful music can be in healing and helping humans, but the following video proves that music is good for our animal friends, too.
The thing is, the tiny white dog in this video is 17 years old and can no longer hear like he used to. However, he can still feel the vibrations of the bass when music is played loudly, and so he made the most of his situation when his owner brought him along to a rock concert. Beril Sirmacek posted the following video of her white Yorkshire terrier, who went a little wild when she brought him along to the show.
As you can see in the video, the senior was definitely feeling the music on this sunny day. He trots along and jumps along, dancing to the vibrations from the speakers and simply having the time of his life.
Any old-timer, human or canine could definitely benefit from a little rock ‘n’ roll to make them feel young again.
Isn’t this wonderful? Please <strong>SHARE</strong> this video on your Facebook page if you love old dogs like this one!