Couple Welcomes Miracle Baby After Decade-Long Wait


For 10 years, MarySusan and Brandon documented their tireless journey to have a baby. Their fertility fight began with several miscarriages all the way up to their devastating loss — their baby girl who was stillborn.

But enter Autumn, a mother who volunteered to carry the couple’s miracle child. Autumn was a complete stranger who volunteered her body, her time, and her devotion, all so that another family could finally have their child. Throughout the pregnancy, Autumn admits she wondered if she’d actually be able to hand over the child. She continued to pray for the strength to do what she promised; the fact she’s so open about that is truly courageous all in itself.

In the video below, viewers watch MarySusan as she witnesses the delivery of her son. Her reaction is so incredibly tear-jerking. Then, the doctor hands the baby boy to Autumn. MarySusan cuts the cord, and then comes the moment for which Autumn gathered all the strength she could — as she hands the child she carried to MarySusuan so she can immediately hold and bond with him, skin-to-skin. After months of watching him grow in ultrasound, MarySusan and Brandon’s baby is now in their arms. What a stunning video.

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