Advertisement A video has recently appeared on YouTube showing an unusual scene in a house. A dog chewed through a lithium-ion battery and a surveillance camera caught fire. The video, which was posted on YouTube these days, has collected almost 180,000 views on the aforementioned network, leaving many netizens
This is a demonstration video of a prototype microsurgery robot suturing a corn kernel with a small needle-tipped suture needle called 12-0. Sony is advancing research and development of surgical robot technology with the desire to use the power of technology to “make advanced surgery more accessible to both
Praniska Mishra, a 9-year-old girl, also took part in America’s Got Talent 2024, which is taking place these days. She performed in front of judges and audiences, performing Tina Turner hits and even winning a Golden Buzzer for her amazing performance. The video clip of the talented girl’s performance
“Have you ever wondered what happens when dog owners abandon their dogs?” “He’s looking for”. He can’t wait to reunite with his family. This week, residents of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania spotted a collie-like dog wandering around a local park. He looked cold and lonely. He didn’t allow anyone to get