Small Dog Blinded By Neglect Is Given A Second Chance At A Happy Life


If there’s anything to be learned from the video below, it’s to call a non-emergency number or animal rescue center whenever you happen upon a stray dog or cat (or any animal for that matter) — it saved this pup’s life.

When strangers discovered the tiny chihuahua in the video below, he was aimlessly wondering the streets alone and scared. But that’s not the part that most startled Dr. Karri of the nonprofit veterinary clinic Vet Ranch — the same one who rescued a homeless dog pregnant with 12 puppies — it was the fact that he was partially blind.

This baby had suffered some kind of untreated infection that had so badly affected his eyes that they had sealed completely shut with discharge, blinding him in an unimaginably painful state. He suffered multiple scratches to his corneas, had contracted ticks, and was deeply malnourished.

He had been abandoned and left to fend for himself, much like Deuce, a bipedal dog who eventually found himself a loving forever home.

While his treatment was arduous, this sweet pup recovered within a week of entering the care of the Vet Ranch team. Not only had his eyes been fully restored to health, but he was eagerly awaited by a forever home lined up by the vets — one he wouldn’t have had the chance to meet if not for the kind vets whose treatment gave him a shot at a happy, fulfilling life.

To learn more about Vet Ranch animal rescue, visit their website. And please SHARE this video if you believe every dog should have a shot at a happy home!



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