See The Tiny Fox? He’s Reunited With His Best Friend, But Wait Till You See Who!


The International Primate Rescue in Pretoria, South Africa is home to more than 100 primates — but also two fennec foxes. Known for their tiny bodies and massive ears, the fennec fox is a small, nocturnal fox found in the Sahara. Their coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to their hot, dry desert environment, and their hearing is sensitive enough to hear prey moving underground. I mean, if this video featuring four fennec fox cubs taking a bath doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will.

Rupert arrived at the IPR when he was just a four-week-old a baby. He was introduced to and bonded with Roxy, their older, female Fennec Fox — but there’s another four-legged creature that Rupert loves the most. The below video shows him being reunited with his best friend: a cat named William.

That’s right — a wild fox and domestic cat became good friends when the staff was hand-rearing Rupert. It’s wonderful to see how excited Rupert gets when he sees his friend again! His ears go back, his tail shakes back and forth, and he drops to his back in excitement over seeing his dear old friend. This is the cutest moment ever!

Friendships come in all different shapes and sizes, and this one is just plain adorable. PleaseSHARE this moment with your friends on Facebook!




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