This Pit Bull Was Born Different, But When She Sees Her Soldier Daddy? I’m In TEARS


Grab the tissues, because the puppy in this next video is bound to turn on the waterworks…

Here at LittleThings, we’ve seen a lot of incredible animals overcoming hardships in life. Just take a look at these three siblings, who suffer disabilities due to inbreeding and harmful puppy mill conditions. Without a little love from their new human parents, these dogs didn’t stand a chance.

However, the tiny pup in this next video is truly one of a kind. Not only does this tiny pit bull have a big heart…she also has the determination of a warrior, just like her human daddy. Meet Emma, she’s a special needs puppy with a severe birth defect, but as you can see in this next video, she doesn’t let a pair of bum legs slow her down.

You see, Emma’s parents are long term fostering her as a SNARR pet, which stands for “special needs animal rescue and rehabilitation.” Emma grew very close to her new father, a U.S. Air Force soldier. When he left for deployment, she was devastated, even though she has new siblings to play with at  home. In the following clip, we see Emma drag her back legs to the front door to welcome her daddy home after six months away!

According to the video’s description, Emma is not in a wheelchair because she found it too uncomfortable. Since the video was posted to YouTube, Emma has her back legs successfully amputated, making it much easier for her to get around.

How precious is this little sweetheart? If you want to see another amazing reunion, make sure you check out this heartwarming video.

If you love dogs and soldiers, please don’t hesitate to SHARE this video on your Facebook page!



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