The story is always the same: no one ever meant for anybody to get hurt – then someone does.
A mother is going about her daily errands with her young daughter in the car seat. The two chat about toys, to-do lists and ordinary things.
It’s a day like any other, which is always how it happens. For a split second, mom looks down at her phone to see that people have “liked” a photo she posted of her daughter.
Then, in a single instant, she collides with the car of a loving husband, as a neighborhood boy and another family watch the horrible accident take place.
The message of the short film produced by AT&T: It Can Wait.
It’s something so simple and taken for granted but it can be the difference between life and death. We may think it’s harmless when we check our phones for emails, directions, texts, or photos but it’s in those moments that we can do harm to others and ourselves.
There is nothing hyperbolic about this PSA either. Recently a young woman was killed as she texted while driving. The text message that took her life? The word “yeah.”
At the end of the day, the person on the other end of the line can wait. Your life is worth more than a few characters on a screen.
See the heart-stopping video below and SHARE to spread awareness about texting-while-driving.