As Dianne Hoffmeyer waited on line to buy coffee and doughnuts at a local Michigan shop, she overheard two women behind her teasing her appearance.
“‘Oh look at her hair; it’s nasty looking and the roots are coming through… Oh the whale needs to eat,’” she recalled to Detroit’s WXYZ 7.
Hoffmeyer, who was with her with her 22-month-old daughter at the Tim Hortons location, had never met the women before. The strangers had no idea Hoffmeyer struggled with her weight, recently losing 177 pounds, and that the doughnut was actually for her teething toddler. But their cruel insults still pained her.
“I just instantly started to cry, because it hurts,” she said. “I don’t know why they would choose to say something like that.”
Despite her devastation, the mom responded to the women in a way that has since gone viral, much like the Old Navy customer who stepped up to bullies in a powerful way. Hoffmeyer decided to pay for their coffee, leaving the cashier stunned.
She could’ve flipped out on the women, but instead wanted to set a better example for her daughter. And, when asked, she also said she would do it all over again.
“I’d like to buy them another cup of coffee, and talk to them. And explain to them how it made me feel,” she said.
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