There’s something wonderful that happens when devoted musicians have children – they almost always tend to inspire their children to develop a deep and reverent love of music as well. Countless friends who grew up around guitar-playing fathers or singing mothers were performing poignant duets with their parents that could stop anyone in their tracks by the time they were in their teens. It’s spectacular to see a parent and child sharing such a strong passion, and perhaps that’s why we so thoroughly love seeing celebrity musicians perform alongside their kids.
It goes without saying that James Hetfield of Metllica is an incredibly talented man, and judging from the video below, that talent definitely rubbed off on his oldest daughter Cali. During his and Sammy Hagar’s second annual Acoustic-4-A-Cure benefit concert on May 15, 2015 at the Masonic Center in San Francisco, Hetfield decided to delight the crowd by bringing Cali on stage for a simple acoustic rendition of Adele’s ‘Crazy For You.’ The second Hetfield says “If apa and his oldest daughter come out,” the crowd erupts with excitement in realizing that they get to witness a beautiful moment between a rock legend and his daughter.
Sammy Hagar escorts a slightly timid Cali to the front of the stage, and she delivers an adorable greeting to the crowd that is reflective of her unadulterated experience as a performer. At only 16 years old, Cali isn’t jaded by the performer’s life. She’s no diva – her humility is evident in the way she takes center stage so unassumingly, even though she’s got a tremendous set of pipes and is performing alongside her superstar father. The fact that she’s so humble and fresh makes it all the more impressive that she can knock such a difficult song out of the park.
Even though Cali’s talent is remarkable, her father’s reaction may just be the best part of this video. Hetfield has “proud papa” written all over his face from start to finish, and it’s quite clear that he’s completely enchanted by his daughter’s natural ability to wow a crowd. In this precious moment of connection between parent and child, you can plainly see the immense power that music has to bond generations.