Wolves, to me, are some of the most mysterious animals of the forest. They’re incredibly dangerous if they pin you as prey, but are as gentle as a house pet if they see you as a friend. Take a look as this man, who made friends with a pack of wolves who were very fond of him!
Similarly to this wolf sanctuary also helping veterans with PTSD, one woman has created a place where the animals can be rescued and guarded. Wolf Creek Habitat and Sanctuary in Brookville, IN, is home to dozens of wolves and wolf dogs, all under the care of Kathy Baudendistel, her husband Terry, and some helpful volunteers. Baudendistel isn’t just a friend to these animals; she’s more like a mother. Listen to how they answer when she calls!
When handling the creatures, Baudendistel treats them with love, respect, and familiarity. They are comfortable with her and she is comfortable with them — after all, it takes more than guts to let a wolf lick your face or kiss one on the nose.
Baudendistel and those who work with her insist the wolves are not like how they are commonly portrayed, but are really as gentle and loving as humans can be. And after seeing this incredible footage, I believe it!
If you would love to visit this sanctuary one day, please SHARE!