In this video, a man bends down to tie his shoe and leaves a plastic bottle on the floor as he stands to walk away. The bottle is next to a recycling bin, but a remarkable number of people ignore it and carry on. Luckily, this woman happened to walk by and do the right thing.
This video appears to be shot in the food court of a mall, and based on the on-screen text it was filmed in Quebec. For those of you that did not turn on annotations for the video or do not read French, here are the stats that the appeared during the segment:
“Each year, 679 million kilograms of plastic are produced worldwide.”
“Each year, 400 million returnable containers are not recycled in Quebec.”
“There are 18,000 pieces of plastic floating in every square kilometer of the ocean.”
“91% of Québécois care about the environment.”
The question they then pose is whether or not the viewers share that same concern. Watch the video below to see this eco-conscious woman in action as well as to see the antics of the flash mob. How would you react?