Ellen Sent Her To A Pole Dancing Class. At 2:15, I DIED Laughing!


Loni Love is an American comedienne and actress who has enough energy to fill up a room… and according to her, she’s got the booty to go with it!

While appearing as a guest DJ on The Ellen Show, DeGeneres thought she needed to send Love on a little mission before putting her to work. Ellen had Love attend a pole dancing class for the very first time and it was so much funnier than I would have ever imagined!

Love admits she’s a big woman, who knows how to work with what she’s got. She loves her body and loves finding new andfun ways to work out… even if she’s working the pole!

She’s such a good sport for going to a lesson, but she had the other pole dancers cracking up the entire time. You’ll be losing it too, when you see Loni Love in action – I just adore her!!!

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