“Chooka” Parker is not your average talent show contestant. He hasn’t had big dreams of being in the spotlight and he never even watched Australia’s Got Talent before auditioning for the show… in fact he didn’t even own a TV until recently!
This 17-year-old pianist has never even performed for an audience before this first audition. Needless to say, the judges didn’t know what to make of Chooka, a rural “bush boy” who taught himself to play at his parent’s farm. He’s certainly eye-catching, looking like a cross between Crocodile Dundee and Orlando Bloom, in true Australian form… but is he talented?!
At first, the judges looked confused by his intense performance, then amazed, then nearly moved to tears. Chooka plays off-the-cuff and spontaneous complex tunes like he’s known them all his life. The teen is truly a unique talent with a gift from above. The fact that a farm boy can somehow just know how to string together notes on a keyboard without any professional training is beyond remarkable.
Is this wacky Australian teen the next great composer of our time? Check him out and let us know what you think!
Please SHARE this jaw-dropping performance!