Being alone is not easy! Even animals find it difficult to live without a loved one. This is a story about a kind cat who calms an abandoned puppy. The puppy was left alone after the owner had to leave him.
This is a wonderful moment that shows that animals are kind to each other during the most difficult times. Fortunately, they were lucky!

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For nearly six months, this little puppy has been spotted wandering around the building he once lived in. His owners were too old and sick so that they could even barely care for themselves. They have been relocated to a senior care center. But, sadly, they were not allowed to bring their dog with them. Therefore they had to leave him behind. The poor puppy that didn’t have any idea about them, waited for his lovely owners day and night!

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The neighbors spotted the sad puppy and some of them were kind enough to offer him something to eat. The most touching scene of the story was captured by one of the residents who noticed that a stray kitten approaching the lonely dog and offering her support. This caring kitten put her tiny paws around the lonely dog, and she was like, “don’t worry! Your loved ones will find you!”

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The resident explained that the dog is familiar with humans rather than cat. When people pass by, the dog tries to check everyone’s face, while the cat runs away from them.
When the neighbors noticed the cat and puppy friend still there after six months, they built them a tiny house. But the duo, which was used to sleeping on the stairs prefer to keep sleeping on stairs while keeping warm with each other.
They hug each other to keep their selves warm when they sleep at night. Maybe they are thinking that both of them are in the same situation since they met on the street. They know that they are different, and they get along well. They are comforting each other!

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Everyone left them food and water, but they were afraid that others would not approach them in winter. So they called the local rescue center. Finally, rescuers took them to the shelter. Before that, the veterinarian checked them for health. The cat was named Niang, and the puppy was named Meong. They will live there happily forever!