With fall well upon us here in the States and winter on the horizon, it’s time to start thinking up ways to keep warm. Inside the house, you have a number of options as far as heating systems go, but when you venture outside, you’re a bit limited.
What if you want to enjoy a crisp winter night without wearing layers upon layers of clothing? Well, if you’ve got a relatively spacious backyard and a yearning to complete a home project, consider the addition of a backyard fire pit. Having a fire pit allows you to host guests a bit more comfortably during winter months, so as not to have your entire party gathered around one space heater. Plus, nothing beats gathering around the fire for s’mores on a summer night.
A fire pit is a great way to add character to your backyard. Now, constructing one may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly difficult. A simple backyard fire pit design is all you need, especially if you’re working with a budget or size limitation. The folks at DIY Network released an easy-to-follow how-to video for building a fire pit, and it’s worth checking out.
While the design featured in this video is a bit elaborate, the construction of the pit itself is easy enough – and that’s really all you need, especially if you have a smaller backyard. As far as materials go, you’ll need just a bag of coarse sand and some bricks/cement blocks of your choosing.
To begin, choose the center point of where you want the fire pit to be. Then, place a stake in the ground and tie a string around it. The length of the string will serve as the radius of the fire pit and will help keep measurements consistent. In the video, they use spray paint to outline the circle. We recommend employing this tactic.
Now the bag of sand comes into play. This may not be an element in every outdoor fire pit design, but we like the look of it here. Spread out the sand along the perimeter (about an inch thick), and flatten it out for an even surface. Then you can grab your bricks or concrete blocks and start building!
Redbeacon estimates that the average cost of a fire pit installation is just under $600. While there are no prices listed for the materials in the video featured below, we can’t imagine this project would exceed that cost.
So, if you’ve got a little extra time on your hands, some money to burn, and a spacious backyard in need of some character, think about adding a fire pit. It’s something you’ll be able to enjoy for years to come. Not to mention, you’ll be living just like your ancestors.
Check the video out below to see how this outdoor fire pit comes together.