Black Lab Learns How To Ride The Bus On Her Own


We’ve seen dogs master some extraordinary things before.

For example, there’s the skateboarding bulldog who’s breaking some serious records and the pooch who loves to surf. Apparently, there’s also dogs who wander through society pretending to be, well, human.

A black Labrador/bull-mastiff mix named Eclipse has been turning heads in Seattle for something very unexpected: riding the bus.

As you’ll see in the video below, Eclipse jumps on the bus and sits next to commuters, many of whom adore her.

“She sits here just like a person does. She’s a person,” one female commuter told KOMO News. “She makes everybody happy. How could you not love this face?”

Eclipse learned how to use public transportation thanks to her owner Jeff Young since they often ride the bus together to get to the dog park. But sometimes Eclipse will hop on without him if he’s taking too long.

“We get separated. She gets on the bus without me, and I catch up with her at the dog park,” she told the news station. “It’s not hard to get on. She gets on in front of her house and she gets off at the dog park, three or four stops later.”

Who would’ve thought?!

Watch below and please SHARE if you are blown away by this brilliant dog!



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