This Is NOT The Dance Performance You Would Expect From a 94-Year-Old Woman


Mathilda is a professional dancer who has danced most of her life. At the ripe age of 94, she makes an appearance on the stage and attempts to perform with a much younger male dancer counterpart. As she comes out in her walker, it is clear to see the audience expects a quiet mundane show. Little do they know Mathilda has quite a surprise for them! This video will absolutely amaze you when you see Mathilda perform! She is not the typical 94-year-old in any stretch of the imagination.

As you watch this dance number, you are sure to want to hop up and dance along. There are not many women of this age that can move like Mathilda! This classy lady amazes the audience and will surely amaze you as well. The level of talent she still possesses at such a great age is astounding to witness. After watching, Please SHARE on Facebook for others to enjoy!



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