Graham Barrett was out on a walk with his two dogs, when he decided to take a path within a wooded area. But that’s not all that happened. Graham heard a crying sound that seemed to be coming from an animal, and it was not coming from his own pups. Curious, Graham looked further into the situation. Then something caught his eye – a bright blue object hidden under some brush was moving from the contents inside. Graham knew that’s where the animal cries were coming from, so he sprung into action.
The object happened to be a black and blue double-bolted suitcase. Graham took it upon himself to do everything in his power to pry the suitcase open. Unfortunately, the animal was locked in so tightly that Graham had to take extra measures to even do so. In the end, he couldn’t believe what he saw… A small dog, fairly young, and very well-behaved, was trapped inside. Sadly, it had likely been hours that he was shut in the darkness with little air ventilation.