The owners of the dog quickly grabbed the camera when they saw how they treat their beloved pet. Labrador Lily has been patiently waiting in her best friend’s yard every Friday for the past two years.

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
He is reliable, treats him well and can put in the same playing time every week. David works as a garbage man in the county!

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
Lily liked the way people watched her in their backyard in Bedford, New Hampshire.
He loves to lie in the grass, bask in the sun and watch people pass by. I secretly hope someone will come out and say hello and treat him when he’s not chasing a squirrel up a tree. .

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
But alas, it was not there! No one will pat him on the head, not even the postman. Unsolicited attention from a lawyer is also welcome at this time. How to attract your best friend into your life!
The smart puppy started noticing that his family was taking the trash out to the side of the road every Thursday night. The next day, Friday, the man got into a truck and took them away. As a result, Lily got used to waiting. in the garbage man’s yard.

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
David may have thought he was just doing his job and picking up trash, but a floofy treasure snuck into his life instead.”Their relationship has blossomed into the sweetest thing,” Lily’s owner, Ishaan Chatterjee, told The Dodo.We actually give [our garbage collector] holiday gifts every year to express our gratitude for how he treats Lily.”

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
Ishaan has been posting TikTok videos of Lily and David’s incredible friendship, and people can’t get enough of their special bond.Lily’s relationship with David, according to Ishaan, is very special.Although Lily is in love with almost everyone she meets, he recognizes that her friendship with David is unique.

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
Of course, this could be related to the treats David always keeps in his pockets!Ishaan, on the other hand, believes it has something to do with Lily’s ability to see the good in people.Lily will reflect your goodness back to you as long as you are good people.”She teaches us how to be more considerate of others!”It’s incredible how much we can learn from animals.”

TikTok – @ishaan_chatterjee
You do not need to play and fuss at work every day. Lucky David!